Friday, March 24, 2017

quick hello + survey

Hello everyone!!
I'm sorry I haven't been super active on here recently, but sometimes life hates me. I did, however, create a survey, so please take that if you have viewed any of my content!

Thanks for your patience, haha.
(Also, my friend Audrey says hi.)

Friday, March 10, 2017

first video is up!

Hello! Really quick, before I forget- here's the link to the first video on my YouTube channel!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

hello world!!


My name is Julia, and welcome to my blog!

(Sorry about the probably-cliche introduction post.)

Anyway, this blog is about health and beauty products that aren't tested on animals. This means that no bunnies were killed in the process, and they're actually more likely to be good for humans- animals’ bodies work differently than ours, so animal testing can produce inaccurate results. Plus, shopping cruelty-free lets you feel good about the products you buy!

I'll be discussing a lot of things here, but probably mainly makeup because I really like talking about makeup. Fair enough, right?

A little about me- I'm 15 and a high school student. This blog is actually primarily for a school project where we spread awareness and take action about a specific topic, but I've been wanting to make a blog and YouTube channel for a while now, so that works out! CF Geek Girl got its name because- well, I'm dedicated to being a cruelty free shopper and I'm a huge nerd. Some of my favorites right now are Star Wars, Supergirl, and Steven Universe! (Why does everything cool start with “S”? Jeez.)

I'll be sharing a link to my YouTube channel and a weekly survey here soon, so keep an eye out for that and please participate in the survey! It's important so I can judge the results of my project. Also, share this page with friends. If you want. *coughpleasedoineedpeopletoseeitcough*

So that's it for today's post. I'll be posting tons more soon, so stay tuned, and take it easy, guys, gals, and--

Nope. That's Thomas Sanders’s outro.

Have a good day and do a good thing!
